Ways to Study the Bible: 5 additional methods


Here are some additional straight forward methods to study the Bible. (Links in blue take you to step by step directions)

1. A character study  which is about people in the Bible. There are podcasts and books on these that are quite good. My Tuesday night Women's Bible Study studied the various women of the Bible for over a year.

2. A word study Focuses on a single word for example love In Greek there are four forms of the word all with different meanings. For this type of study you may want multiple Bible translations, lexicons, and/or Bible dictionaries. There are several software and online apps thar can help with this. I like biblehub.org

3. A thematic study In this type of study you choose a theme instead of a single word otherwise  it is very similar to a word study

4. The sword method which basically takes any passage and asks three questions" What does this passage tell me about God? About mankind? What I am to do about it.

5. A book study. Pick a book of the Bible For new believers we suggest the Gospels. Some people do this with commentaries.  I like the Be... series by Warren Wiersbe. If you are using commentaries make sure you trust the theology of the source. Not sure? Ask your pastor or older Christians for recommendations.

Whats important is not what method you pick but that you are reading (or listening) to your Bible regularly. I am a book person but their are phone apps, tv channels and pocasts that can help you to get in to the word each day. One caveat  it is great to read commentaries and listen to others but at some point YOU need to get into the word personally. Otherwise you are only listening to someone else talk about your best friend.

Here is a fun Youtube about various Bible Study tools





"I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are details." Einstein


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